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Frontend JS

For Frontend JS (as opposed to Backend Node.js) you can use the Implicit Flow to log user in.

We recommend using SimpleLogin JS SDK, which is actually a thin layer over hello.js. For this reason, you can also use hello.js if you app already uses this library.

For the web, there are 2 ways to use SimpleLogin in terms of user experience:

  • With popup: when clicking on Sign in with SimpleLogin a new window popup is opened and closed once user approves.

{{< figure src="./images/popup.png" caption="With Popup" >}}

  • Without popup: in the same window/tab user is redirected to SimpleLogin authorization page and returns back to your app once they approves.

We recommend the with popup way so you don't have to deal with state saving when browser reloads in without popup.

By default, the SimpleLogin JS SDK uses the with popup way.

Please find below different ways to add SimpleLogin into your webapp:

SimpleLogin JS SDK

First include it in your html:

<script src=""></script>

In your js, you need to init the SDK with your SimpleLogin AppID:

SL.init("{your SimpleLogin AppID}");

To open the login popup, use SL.login() which takes a callback as parameter: the callback will receive user info when they approves on SimpleLogin authorization page.

SL.login(function(user) {
    console.log("got user from SL SDK", user);

The SL.login is typically called inside a function onclick:

document.getElementById("btn-simplelogin").onclick = function(e) {
  SL.login(function(user) {

OIDC Client

oidc-client adds OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth2 protocol support for browser-based JavaScript applications.

This library is behind redux-oidc for ReactJS / Redux, vuejsoidcclient for Vue.js, Angular2OidcClient for Angular, so if you use these web libraries, adding SimpleLogin should be a matter of changing authority setting to

oidc-client is quite a low-level library and offers a lot of flexibility. It separates the login step and the callback step.

Let's start by creating a index.html:

<button onclick="startSignin()">start signin</button>
<button onclick="endSignin()">end signin</button>

<script src=""></script>

And add the js code, make sure to replace {your SimpleLogin AppId} by your AppID.

var settings = {
    // oidc-client will discover all OIDC settings automatically,
    // via
    authority: "",
    client_id: "{your SimpleLogin AppId}",
    response_type: 'id_token token',
    // openid in scope to indicate this is OpenID Connect
    scope: 'openid',
    // You need to update this redirect_uri when deploying to production
    redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8000",
var mgr = new Oidc.UserManager(settings);

function startSignin() {
    mgr.signinRedirect({state:"some data"}).then(function() {
        console.log("signinRedirect done");

function endSignin() {
    mgr.signinRedirectCallback().then(function(user) {
        console.log("signed in", user);

Now if you run the a local web server (using python3 -m http.server for example), you should be able to sign in with SimpleLogin when you open http://localhost:8000