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2FA enable

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) setup

  1. Log in to your SimpleLogin account using your browser.
  2. Head to the "Settings" section located in the top-right corner of your dashboard.
  3. Navigate to the "Security" or "Security Settings" tab to configure your authentication options.

Authenticator App Setup

  1. Locate the "Two Factor Authentication" option.
  2. Press "Setup TOTP" button to enable 2FA. You will have to enter your account password for security verification.
  3. Select a 2FA application on your phone or PC (e.g., Proton Pass, Aegis)
  4. Scan the provided QR code or manually enter the secret key into the app.
  5. Retrieve the 6-digit token generated by the authenticator

Security Key Authentication Setup

  1. Locate the "Security Key (WebAuthn)" option.
  2. Click on "Setup WebAuthn" to initiate the Security Key setup process.
  3. Provide a name for your key (required) for easy identification.
  4. Click on "Register Key" to complete the registration process. You shoud follow your browser instructions to register your security key with SimpleLogin.

Recovery codes

After setting up 2FA, you will see recovery codes. You should store them in a safe and easily accessible location, considering using a secure physical drive (recommended) or password manager. Be aware that each recovery code can't be used more than one time. We recommend to keep track of used and unused codes to maintain account accessibility.